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The Louvre | http://www.louvre.fr/zh/ | Corot的风景画 |
The National Gallery(London) | http://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/ | Turner、Constable、Monet和Cezanne的风景画 |
Tate Britain | http://www.tate.org.uk/visit/tate-britain | Turner的风景画 |
Muse'e d'Orsay | http://www.musee-orsay.fr/en/ | Monet、Cezanne和其他印象派的风景画 |
Musee de l'Orangerie | http://www.musee-orangerie.fr/ | Monet的风景画(睡莲) |
The Marmottan Monet museum | http://www.marmottan.fr/uk/ | Monet的风景画 |
National Gallery of Art(Washington, DC) | http://www.nga.gov/ | Monet和Cezanne的风景画 |
The Metropolitan Museum of Art | http://www.metmuseum.org/ | Monet的风景画 |
The Courtauld Institute of Art | http://www.courtauld.ac.uk/gallery/ | Cezanne、其他印象派和后印象派的风景画 |